July 8, 2015

3D Scanning to Map Part Shrinkage

The right laser scanning equipment can accurately define localized shrinkage in a cast or molded component.  Often times, this method is used to troubleshoot tooling by developing […]
June 5, 2015

Scanning Expertise in Precision Versus Artwork – Does it Matter?

3D scanning technologies have matured to the point where virtually any object can be scanned and converted to an electronic image. With the right equipment, the right software, and some […]
January 19, 2015

Four Ways to Reduce Laser Scanning Costs.

Reduce your laser scanning costs without sacrificing quality. Here are four ways to approach your project, keeping both cost and quality in mind.
September 9, 2014
Airfoil CAV

Value Beyond The Scan.

Understanding value beyond a scan is our specialty. We ensure your parts match your model with precision scanning, comparative analysis, and CMM inspection.
March 14, 2014
process validation for injection molding

Process Validation for Injection Molding

Validating your injection molding process is critical to producing quality parts. Precision laser scanning provides insight into how your part is affected..
February 12, 2014
Tooling Press In Action

Shorten Tooling Validation Lead-time

Another application for precision laser scanning in the tooling industry that will save you time, and money.
September 27, 2013

Precision Scanning in Litigation

Precision laser and white light scanning is used for preserving and analyzing the actual geometry of the object at the center of product litigation.
May 23, 2013

Evaluating Vendor Dimensional Differences

Evaluate difference in how parts function and how accurately they fit your requirements by overlaying one piece onto another.
April 3, 2013

Resolving Flatness in Tooling

Reduce tooling revisions with precision laser scanning.